Monthly Donation
Every month
Support the restoration project every month with a monthly plan.
Valid until canceled
Subscription to the group's email newsletter
Contribute to the monthly operational costs of the project
Access to the members-only online forum
Monthly Plus
Every month
Support the project with
the 'monthly plus' subscription.
Valid until canceled
Thank you letter, hand-signed by the group founder
1x totem fridge magnet
1x postcard
5% discount on all online shop items
Subscription to the group's email newsletter
Access to the members-only online forum
Contribute to the monthly operational costs of the project
Monthly Membership
Every month
Support the restoration project by purchasing a membership plan.
Valid until canceled
Membership card
Membership card holder
1x totem fridge magnet
1x postcard
Thank you letter, hand-signed by the group founder
Subscription to the email newsletter
10% discount on all online shop items
Access to the members-only online forum
Contribute to the monthly operational costs of the project
1-Year Standard Membership
Every year
Support the restoration project by purchasing a membership plan.
Valid until canceled
Membership card
Membership card holder
Totem fridge magnet
Thank you letter, hand-signed by the group founder
Subscription to the email newsletter
10% discount on all online shop items
Access to the members-only online forum
Support the restoration project immensely by purchasing a lifetime membership plan.
Valid until canceled
Premium metallic lifetime membership card
Membership card holder
Engraved ballpoint pen
Totem fridge magnet
Thank you letter, hand-signed by the group founder
Subscription to the regular email newsletter
20% discount on all online shop items
Access to the members-only online forum
Membership Plans
Consider supporting the project by purchasing a membership plan